Our policies

The following policies and statements apply to all employees, business partners and representatives engaged by MannionDaniels.

All these documents are revised on a regular and/or needs basis. It is therefore important to visit this website from time to time during your engagement with us. If you have a query regarding any of the policies/documents, please contact the MannionDaniels Operations and Compliance Team.

Anti-corruption, Fraud and Bribery Policy

Outlines personal responsibilities in observing  and  upholding  MannionDaniels’ position on  bribery,  corruption,  and  fraud; describes the  company’s  Anti- corruption, Fraud  and Bribery framework, and  provides  information  and guidance  on  how  to  recognise  and  deal  with  bribery,  fraud and  corruption  issues.

Anti-Corruption, Fraud and Bribery Policy (Revised January 2024)

Business Code of Ethics

Sets out the values, business culture and practices that we aim to demonstrate and expect of all our staff, partners, suppliers and consultants throughout our supply chain.

Business Code of Ethics  (Revised May 2024)

Conflict of Interest Policy

Sets out the standards expected regarding conflicts of interest and how to manage any perceived or actual conflict of interest.

Conflict of Interest Policy (Revised September 2022)

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy

The following policy describes our approach to promoting social justice, human rights and sustainable development throughout the work of MannionDaniels

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy (Revised August 2023)

Counterterrorism and Anti-Money Laundering Policy Statement

Sets out MannionDaniels’ position on terrorist activities and financing, and money laundering. It also provides guidance for staff and partners to manage and avoid the risks of becoming involved in terrorist activity or money laundering.

Counter-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering Policy Statement (Revised January 2024)

Data protection policy

MannionDaniels recognises the importance of preserving privacy and protecting personal data and is committed to complying with the principles of Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 18) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data protection policy (Revised March 2024)

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy 

Provides our approach to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our workforce and across all our practices.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy (Revised September 2023)

Environmental Policy Statement

Outlines our commitment to protecting the environment, preventing pollution, complying with environmental legislation and other requirements relevant to our activities.

Environmental Policy (September 2024)

Health, Safety and Security Statement

Reiterates our duty of care to staff, business partners, clients, communities, and beneficiaries with whom we engage. It also outlines our responsibility to provide a safe work-place and to protect people, information systems, and our physical and intellectual assets against loss or compromise.

Health, Safety and Security Policy Statement (September 2019)

Information Security Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all information systems operated by MannionDaniels are secure and aspire to comply with the standards of the Data Protection Act, and the Computer Misuse Act.

Information Security Policy (Revised May 2024)

Modern Slavery Policy

Outlines our zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and how we implement effective systems and measures to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.

Modern Slavery Policy (May 2024)

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Mannion Daniels Limited is required to publish a Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for each financial year which is available to read.

Safeguarding Against Abuse, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment and Bullying Policy

Sets out our commitment to protect children and young people from harm or risk. It also outlines how we identify and respond to safeguarding children and young people concerns.

Safeguarding Policy (June 2025)

Supplier Prompt Payment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to show MannionDaniels’ commitment to paying suppliers efficiently and promptly in line with the HMG Prompt Payment code of practice.

Supplier Prompt Payment Policy (Revised September 2023)

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy outlines information about data management and protection, such as what, how and where we store personal information. In this section you can find details on how to access your data.

Privacy Policy (January 2024)


MannionDaniels is committed to ensuring the highest standards of conduct in the delivery of our services and maintaining compliance with all applicable policies, laws, rules and regulations. To ensure that we are all held to account the MannionDaniels whistleblowing hotline facilitates the reporting of possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct when the normal channels of communication have proven ineffective or difficult. The hotline is available to be used by all of our employees, as well as clients, Business Partners and others in a business relationship with MannionDaniels.

Please use this hotline to report corruption, fraud, human trafficking, slavery, safeguarding children and young people concerns, terrorism funding, and other violations related to MannionDaniels, our people, and programmes.

Suspected fraud and whistleblowing – if you would like to contact MannionDaniels using the anonymous, free-to-call and confidential service, please click contact EthicsPoint.

MannionDaniels, consultants, contractors, suppliers, and associated person(s) involved in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office funded business should immediately report any suspicions or allegations of aid diversion, money laundering or counter terrorism finance to the Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit (CFWU) at reportingconcerns@fcdo.gov.uk or +44 (0) 1355 843 747.

If your complaint is a safeguarding concern regarding suspected abuse, please read our Safeguarding Policy and contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead on (rolla.khadduri@manniondaniels.com or safeguarding@manniondaniels.com).

If you have any queries on the above, please contact the Operations Team and/or the Human Resources Team.

Whistleblowing policy (January 2023)