
Support to Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

One month
End date

MannionDaniels was contracted by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the World Bank to lead the development of the 4th Health Sector Strategic Plan (also known as the 4th Health, Nutrition and Populations Strategic Investment Plan) of the Government of Bangladesh.

Director David Daniels led both the development of the sector plan and the subsequent evaluation, with consultant Dr Rumana Huque working on the health economics and results framework components and a team of thematic consultants focused on various other aspects of the work. Wide-ranging consultations fed into the finished five-year sector plan including ones relating to the establishment of a comprehensive results framework for the sector, which was approved by the Government of Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). It identified core indicators and milestones and developed a compendium for reference and training purposes.

The Annual Review of the 4th Sector Programme used the results framework as the basis for review. Working closely with the planning wing of the Ministry and the various line directors, the team produced a comprehensive assessment of progress and recommendations for future actions. The review took the form of a Joint Government – Development Partner Annual Review (JAR) and included policy briefs that were discussed by all stakeholders from government, civil society and the private sector.

Our team provided evidence from other countries as well as previous reviews to establish the national results framework itself, as well as processes and procedures to ensure it could be adopted across the sector. The data drew on available surveys and routine data sources and included a programme for strengthening data collection, analysis and use at different levels. The MoHFW in Bangladesh is renowned for its work on data systems, which facilitated the development of a comprehensive system and provided good data on which to build.

The purpose

The purpose of the 4th Health, Nutrition and Populations Strategic Investment Plan is to increase the availability and use of user-centred, effective, affordable and accessible healthcare, nutrition and related services. It focuses on ensuring that services are available equally to all. It will support achievement of the longer term aim to move towards universal health coverage.

Who else is involved

The World Bank