
Power of Learning

Bangladesh, Burundi, Egypt, Lebanon, Niger, Sudan, Uganda
3.5 years
End date
February 2026

Power of Learning is a three-and-a-half-year programme in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

The purpose of the programme is to encourage and stimulate the linking and learning between Dutch-funded civil society partners in seven countries: Bangladesh, Burundi, Egypt, Lebanon, Niger, Sudan and Uganda.

Who is involved?

MannionDaniels is leading a consortium with the Social Research Center (SRC) in Cairo and Centre for Health and Social Economic Improvement (CHASE-i) in Kampala. SRC is affiliated to the American University in Cairo (AUC) and CHASE-i is affiliated to Makerere University in Uganda. The centres have conducted regional action research in Burundi, Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan and Uganda and both bring a strong track record of building the capacity of local knowledge partners.

What is the aim?

The programme is designed to bring CSOs together, enhance their cross-learning, and strengthen CSOs’ ability and capacity to advocate to tackle ‘wicked’ problems. These are systemic and complex challenges or opportunities CSOs face in the implementation of their work. We will bring together CSOs that are working in different fields but who face similar issues; therefore creating a shared learning, linking and knowledge generation system for civil society, which will build a collective understanding of root problems and how they can be tackled.

How will we do it?

Linking and Learning

We will work to create an inclusive learning environment for all CSOs involved in the programme. Through in-person and online workshops and collaborative spaces, we will create an environment where all partners can safely share their experiences, encouraging peer learning and developing skills needed to thrive and be effective advocates.

Action Research

We will collaborate with the civil society partners to carry out research that is relevant and mindful of local realities.

From the research findings, the Action Research workstream will then generate knowledge products that are valued, owned and used by multiple stakeholders. Our aim is that knowledge process and products will:

  • shape the effective practice of the funded civil society partners
  • contribute to local knowledge systems
  • be useful for the wider community of civil society working on similar issues
  • produce learnings that contribute to improved policies of the MFA and their workings with civil society


We will generate learning communications to share the results of the Linking and Learning and Action Research workstreams in user-friendly and accessible formats, that are relevant to the country context. The materials are for use by the CSO partners themselves, and for communicating the programme progress and findings to other stakeholders and a wider audience.

The communications experts will work with their country’s CSOs to train them on communications skills and working with local media to enhance their own storytelling skills for wider reach and sustainability.

Electronic Learning Environment

Through research and collaboration with CSO partners and local communications experts, we will create an electronic learning environment to suit the needs and context of CSOs in the implementing countries. This electronic learning environment will be designed to fulfil the requirements of the other three workstreams: as a place communicate and house the research results in various formats, a hub for the learning/storytelling products and a place for CSOs to link and learn from one another’s experience, enabling cross-country and cross-sectoral learning.

The programme aims to leave a legacy of sustained linking, learning and knowledge system for civil society.